Aegon reinforces email security and communications for advisers with launch of Unipass Mailock
Aegon reinforces email security and communications for advisers with launch of Unipass Mailock
Origo and Beyond Encryption have developed a calculator to quantify the CO2 savings from use of their Unipass Mailock secure email solution. The calculator’s proprietary formula takes into account the CO2 emissions savings around measures such as print and postage costs*.
UK financial services provider Aegon was one of the first financial service providers to launch Origo’s Unipass Mailock solution to securely email confidential documents. The calculator estimates that since adoption, Aegon has achieved around 270 tonnes of CO2 savings through its use of Unipass Mailock.
Ronnie Taylor, Aegon’s Chief Distribution Officer commented: “This dramatic reduction in the need to print and post important paperwork is one of the key ways that financial services companies can make significant CO2 emission savings by examining their day-to-day operations. Invariably, this will mean digitising processes to create greater efficiency, security and regulatory compliance, discarding legacy ways of working which are inconsistent with net zero targets.”
With the annual COP26 conference in Scotland, the UK is collaborating with countries worldwide to ensure net zero is reached by 2050, along with the aim of reducing carbon emissions by 78% before 2035.
Unipass Mailock, the financial services industry secure email solution, is provided by Origo and Beyond Encryption, who are passionate about their contribution towards the global agenda.
Anthony Rafferty, CEO Origo, commented: “These carbon savings are just the start… COP26 has increased pressure on financial services companies to cut their CO2 emissions as has the Chancellors recent announcement that London Stock Exchange listed companies will need to set down detailed plans as to how they will help Britain reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Financial services will face increasing pressure to commit to carbon reductions and Unipass Mailock could be the key to unlocking such reductions.”
The FCA have published a new ESG Strategy that coincided with COP26 Finance Day, a strategy that builds on the commitments in the most recent FCA Business Plan and comes after the recent publication of the FCA and PRA Climate Adaptation reports.
Paul Holland CEO and founder of Beyond Encryption said: “Tens of thousands of intermediaries are already using the industry solution with increasing institutional adoption. Aegon’s carbon-saving success demonstrates the considerable impact big corporates can have in a short period of time by digitising their communications."
“The impact of COVID19 and homeworking, alongside the increasing threat of cybercriminal activity, have increased consumer appetite with environmental awareness a critical factor and core part of our mission as a business.
“Unipass Mailock is here to assist Financial Services companies with their ESG considerations and carbon pledges, a secure and auditable delivery substitute for traditional mail.”
*Calculating CO2 Savings
The manufacture, composition, preparation and shipping of a physical communication (post) involves significantly greater carbon than the alternative digital despatch of correspondence, with secure email giving rise to significant economic, ecological and process efficiencies.
Quantifying the positive ecological impact requires us to consider many contributing factors paper & envelope size – composition inc. no. of pages - weight – colour / content composition – brochure – colour / print & post type / distance for delivery / disposal – recycle method - % etc.
Based upon the messages Aegon have sent we estimate the TCO2e to be circa 270 tonnes.